Rules are there to be broken . Well that's what I’ve all ways thought . deep down I’ve always been a rebel.
High up. Feeling like im on top of the world. I look down, see the cars that look like a matchbox car set, dead grass where kids have tramped over it for 43 year’s. The long lines of modern roof tops fade in to the distance.Looking to the left i am reminded by the terror i feel towards that class.The bars on the Windows,made me feel like i was captured.
This lady giving you the evils, then realise you are chewing gum in her class, she slams her hand on the board points to a sign on the wall “you can chew gum, if you put it in my jar and pick another one out” .Its disgusting her old crusty gum, I don't think anyone has ever picked another piece. You can see the the different layers of gum for every year, the bottom is watery im dry reaching when ever i see it, I couldn't imagine a woman who would even do such a thing. First impressions of her are scary, buzz cut and chain with a lock for her necklace, rules every where around the class, thoes eyes looking at you ‘welcome to prison’. You can imagine the evil laugh she has in her head. They put you in that class for all sorts of reasons. I was in there because my shoes were the wrong colour.
Years have passed,I have the rite shoes now I'm a white shirt, year thirteen is looking promising.
The bell has gone. This is my chance to get my perfect image, of every one leaving school.
Yelling out to one of my class mates.
“Oi, come help me quick! I need you to hold the ladder while I get up on the roof, when I drop my camera down, you run into the dark room straight after, K? Sweet,”
Standing up there on, With teachers looking at me and students pointing, I'm on top of the world. For the few moments I'm up there. I feel invincible. Seeing over the front of the school, watching the river bed of blue shirts running up that hill every one escaping, they'll think of death if they don't get out soon enough.
My time on the roof isn't just for the pleasure, being on top of the world and every one looking at me, Its the pleasure of what i am creating up their .I am an artist a pin hole camera is my tool of choice , with the bright light shining through the little hole in my empty coffee tin . Threes only a piece of paper in there, what ever light shines through, will hopefully show up. But as an artist every thing isn't as easy . there are a lot of things we have to do. There are a lot of things that can go wrong .I’ve spent all day, trying to get it right,Its time running down that hall way chasing the one with my camera, suddenly stopping and walking caustically into the dark room, the only light is red, its hard to adjust you eyes,but you get used to it .Ripping my paper out of the tin, drowning it in the slimy chemicals .Hoping and praying that my image will come up beautifully.
I’ve come so fare form being behind bars to on top off the roof with the teaches trusting me and letting me do with i want with my art . there are limits but .as i said before rules are there to be broken . As an artist there are no rules, if they were rules the world of art would be dead by now.
This looks really good Jeremy. I'm impressed by how far it's come - you've crafted it into a great descriptive piece of writing. Well done.
ReplyDeleteshot bro .